[:az]Essential Idioms in English. Lesson 8[:]

to be about  to: to be at the moment of doing something, to be ready This idiom is often used with the adverb just. I was about to leave when…

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Lesson 7 Essential Idioms

to point out: to show, to indicate, to bring to one’s attention what important buildings did the tour guide point out to you? The teacher pointed out the mistakes in…

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[:az]Essential Idioms in English Lesson 6[:]

to hang out: to spend time, usually being idle or unproductive Luka likes to hang out and play video games with his friends. I spent all weekend hanging out at…

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Грамматика,род имени существительного

В отличие от русского языка, итальянские имя существительное имеет только два рода: мужской (m) и женский ( f). Для большинства итальянских существительных характерны следующие окончания: м.р (m) – o: giorno…

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Essential Idioms Lesson 5

to look out: to be careful or cautious (also: to watch out) Look out! Jeffrey cried as his friend almost stepped in front of a car. Look out for reckless…

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Idioms in English Lesson 4

to take part in: to be involved in,  to participate in ( also: to be in on) Martin was sick and could not take part in the meeting yesterday. I…

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Буквы и буквенные сочетания

В итальянском языке больше звуков, чем букв, поэтому некоторые звуки передаются буквенными сочетаниями. Итальянской букве с в русском языке соответствуют два звука: [к] и [ч]. Итальянская буква  с перед гласными…

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Idioms in English lesson 3

to pick out: to choose, to select (s) Ann picked  out a good book to give to her brother as a graduation gift. Johnny, if you want me to buy…

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Согласные звуки – Suoni consonanti

Итальянские согласные f, v, p, b, t, d, n,m, r, I произносится подобно соответствующим русским звукам, но гораздо напряженнее и четче. f [ф], v [в]– при произнесении этих звуков нижняя…

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Essential Idioms in English. Lesson 2

to dress up: to wear formal clothes, to dress very nicely We should definitely dress up to go to the theater You don’t have to dress up for Mike’s party….

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