
Numerals include all numbers, whether as words or as digits. They may be divided into two major types. CARDINAL numerals include words like: nought, zero, one, two, 3, fifty-six, 100,…

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Pronouns are a major subclass of nouns. We call them a subclass of nouns because they can sometimes replace a noun in a sentence: Noun Pronoun John got a new…

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Nouns are commonly thought of as “naming” words, and specifically as the names of “people, places, or things“. Nouns such as John, London, and computer certainly fit this description, but…

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An Introduction to Word classes

Words are fundamental units in every sentence, so we will begin by looking at these. Consider the words in the following sentence: My brother drives a big car. We can…

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Who-dan sonra tək gəlir yoxsa cəm?

İngilis dilində Who  həm sual əvəzliyi (“Who is that?”) kimi, həm də nisbi əvəzlik (“The man who sells fruit”) kimi işlənilir.  Nə sual əvəzlikləri, nə də nisbi əvəzliklər qramatik saya bağlı…

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The Three Sillies

Once upon a time there was a farmer and his wife who had one daughter, and she was courted by a gentleman. Every evening he used to come and see…

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Lazy Jack (by Joseph Jacobs)

ONCE upon a time there was a boy whose name was Jack, and he lived with his mother on a common. They were very poor, and the old woman got…

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Imtahan komissiyasını valeh edəcək 100 söz!

Bu yazımızda sizə İngilis dilinin Advanced səviyyəsində işlədilən və IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge CAE və CPE kimi imtahanlarda aktiv istifadə edilən 100 sözü təqdim edirik. Bundan başqa 4-cü kürs İngilis dili Tərcümə…

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Break the Gridlock on Syria

BERLIN — For more than four years, Syria has been ravaged by one of the deadliest wars of our time. If anyone in the international community still harbored the notion…

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Ingiliscə məhəbbəti necə ifadə edək

Language Mag sonsuz internet dərinliklərində axtarışını davam etdirir.  Bu gün sizlərə xarici saytdan götürüb tərcümə etdiyimiz çox maraqlı ifadələri təqdim edirik. Dünyanın ən böyük gücü olan sevgini İngiliscə müxtəlif formada…

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